Remember way back when this blog was in its infancy and my head was full of questions about whether I was good enough and who the hell would want to read what I had to say?  Well, today was a milestone in my life as a quilter and I want to share it with you all.

That my quilt on the cover of Quilt Now magazine!  I can’t tell you how exciting this is for me, somebody who continually questions his ability.  Whilst I try to keep this blog and my Instagram feed a happy and positive place, I’d be lying if I said the road was always easy.  Sometimes things don’t go right, sometimes blocks design just don’t work, no matter how much you try.  My style of improvisational quilting often takes me down roads with dead ends, and I’ve no choice but to back up and try a different route.  In my quilting life there are definitely lows, but when things like this happen, it makes all the stress and swear words worth it!  So thank you!  You, who’s reading this, or who’s commented on a previous post or liked an Instagram picture.  Your support is wholeheartedly appreciated!

You may remember from a few posts I mentioned a quilt I made using my Sizzix Big Shot.  Well, this was it!  I can recommend the machine enough for accuracy when you need to cut out a lot of same shapes.  I so looking forward to expanding my collection of dies and seeing what else I make.  Who knows, it may turn out to be another cover star!

As soon as I get the quilt back I’ll share more details.  For now, look out for issue 10 of Quilt Now in a shop near you and let me know what you think!

9 thoughts on “GRATEFUL

  1. Congratulations on your cover shot! As a lurker who enjoys seeking out “different” blogs on quilting, I’m happy I came across yours. I’m fairly new to quilting and blogging as well, so I understand your frustrations with taking your own path and dealing with the inevitable fails, LOL. But keep it up!

  2. How totally cool that you have a cover girl!!! You do creative things so many of us would never consider doing – we just aren’t creative that way or we’re afraid of wasting fabric or time or we are afraid of failure! We certainly benefit from those who are willing to take the risk 🙂 Keep putting yourself out there – you obviously have what it takes to be successful at it!!!!

  3. Way to go son! I’m so proud of you and your accomplishments. The quilt is amazing, and as I’ve said, this is the beginning of a great career for you. Pretty soon it’ll be all you have time to do! Congrats!

  4. I heart that your mum comments on your blog. So cute! I mean, man, awesome super-high fives all around. I’ve seen you go from strength to success and back again! It makes me happy to see another MWQ take the sewing world by storm and leave no prisoners. We should sew matching jump suits!

  5. Pingback: SIZZIX GIVEAWAY | Quilts From The Attic

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